The missing pieces in your DEI training puzzle.

Hundreds of Canadians are already enriching their DEI knowledge and building
their understanding with Rethink Ability. See what they have to say.

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“Fantastic course! Although I work in the rehabilitation world, I felt I had much to gain from this training. I learned the appropriate skills that can be used on a day-to-day basis. Well done at putting this all together!”

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“The modules were great. I worked closely with instructional designers at a college to develop online learning modules, so I know there is a science behind developing good online content.”


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“I loved the lived experiences and I think it will go a long way in destigmatizing disability for people taking this course.”

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“I immensely enjoyed it. I usually have trouble following things online – I start to zone out. However, I found this quite an entertaining way to learn. It was easy to follow along, the content was great and it wasn’t wordy or fluffy.The videos used gave it a personal touch, and exercises at the end helped to reinforce the content/topic. It was the most fun I had doing an online exercise. I thought it was a fantastic way to present an important topic. Well done!”

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“I thought the navigation was good, the modules were well-paced, and the information was clearly presented. The modules did a great job of covering the material without being too long.”


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“It was easy to create an account. The modules are very accessible, and the format is clear and user-friendly. The font and colour were good and easy. It is immediately evident how to access the ASL and closed captioning too.”

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“The highlight was hearing the personal stories. It certainly gave the training an authentic feel. It also opened my perspective to think beyond the obvious definition of disability to include mental and neurological conditions. It was also good to get a grounding in UN definitions and a review of the various acts protecting the rights of persons with disabilities.”

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“I really enjoyed completing the modules and can’t wait to finish the rest.”

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“I really enjoyed having a narrator read the text. It made it easy to follow along and understand the information. I found the information provided very useful for day-to-day life and the activities were fun to complete. I liked the interactive features, videos, and stories.”