Build a better professional practice.

ReThink Ability training helps professionals understand how to adapt services by offering valuable perspectives, creative problem solving, and effective communication skills.

 Photo of professional assisting a young man. Over the image is a certification badge reading ‘Disability Awareness Certified’

ReThink Ability helps you provide your best service to everyone – without barriers.

Build trust. Demonstrate a commitment to accessibility and inclusion.

Elevate service standards. Deliver the same level of service and support to everyone.

Be compliant. Recognize and avoid discriminatory behaviors and barriers to equal access.

Increase client satisfaction. Improve service delivery and client outcomes.

Why disability awareness training for professional services?

A growing number of Canadians – 27%- identify as having a disability. People with a disability consistently report facing barriers related to accessibility of physical spaces and communication, provider attitudes, and societal perceptions.

Improving experiences for people with a disability requires addressing systemic barriers, raising awareness through education, and actively involving individuals with disabilities in decision-making processes. ReThink Ability training helps professionals understand how to adapt services by offering valuable perspectives, creative problem solving, and effective communication skills.

Simple, flexible pricing for
teams of all sizes.

Supporting people of all abilities and helping them achieve the best possible outcomes starts with understanding.

It starts with understanding the human aspect of disability.
Supporting people of all abilities and helping them achieve the best possible outcomes starts with understanding – but that doesn’t come from manuals or Google searches. ReThink Ability training shares the first-person experience of people with a disability; highlighting how their unique needs, challenges, and preferences require a personalized and flexible approach.

Mobile phone rendering showing assignment of online training course modules
Applications for ReThink Ability

How disability awareness training helps professionals:

3 Photos of various persons with disability
icon of person behind computer

Professional Development
Knowledge and skills to provide high-quality services and enhance your professional reputation.

icon with checkmark representing performance

Improving Client Outcomes
eLearning modules provide insight for appropriate communication, planning, service delivery, and advocacy.

An icon showing a briefcase with up arrow

Program and Service Improvements
Practical information for applying a disability lens to policy, programs, and services.

icon of person and shapes representing diversity

Advancing Disability, Equity and Inclusion Priorities
Resources and tools for recognizing the rights and meeting the needs of equity seeking groups.

FAQ: Disability Training for Professional Services

Is there a certificate for completion of each module?

Yes, once a learner completes a short quiz at the end of the module, with a score of 70% or higher, they will receive a certificate of completion.

Is the training applicable anywhere in Canada?

Yes, the information, tools, and examples are applicable anywhere in Canada (and beyond).

Although ReThink Ability was developed in New Brunswick, the content is relevant for anyone who wants to gain knowledge and skills related to disability.

How is ReThink Ability different than training that accompanies provincial and national accessibility legislation?

Government regulations are essential to the identification, removal, and prevention of barriers. While training related to legislation supports accessibility standards and compliance, ReThink Ability focuses on the impact of disability on a person’s life and the importance of equal opportunity. It provides practical information on improving interactions, communication, and attitudes so everyone can live the life they choose.

Ready to improve your professional services for clients of all abilities?