Build a better workplace.

ReThink Ability training helps you understand how to diversify your workforce; adding valuable perspectives, creative problem solving, and a competitive edge.

ReThink Ability answers questions employers may be afraid to ask and helps to change cultures.

Access more talent. Widen and diversify your pool of candidates and increase retention.

Build a culture of inclusion. Foster a productive, supportive work environment.

Be compliant. Meet legal requirements of employment law and accessibility regulations.

Better serve customers with a disability. Improve access to products and services.

Why disability awareness for HR teams?

In Canada, a growing number of people – 27%- identify as having a disability but job seekers with a disability are consistently being overlooked by employers who end up passing on a critical and highly valuable talent pool.

As employers respond to increased social and legal requirements to diversify workplaces and include representation from equity seeking groups, HR teams need solutions like inclusive hiring practices to attract potential employees and consumers.

Simple, flexible pricing for
teams of all sizes.

Supporting employees of all abilities and developing a disability competent workforce starts with understanding.

It starts with understanding the human aspect of disability.
Supporting employees of all abilities and developing a disability competent workforce starts with understanding – but it’s not about disability facts from manuals or Google. ReThink Ability training shares the first-person experience of people with a disability and the professionals who help them break down barriers to equal opportunity.

Mockup of the ReThink Ability Intro to Disability Module on an Phone
Applications for ReThink Ability

Disability awareness training for the workplace.

3 Photos of various persons with disability
icon of person behind computer

Professional Development
Certification programs for disability awareness.

icon of handshake and people representing onboarding

Customer Success Onboarding
eLearning modules for consistent, organization-wide customer service improvement.

icon of person and shapes representing diversity

Advancing Disability, Equity and Inclusion Priorities
Practical information for applying a disability lens to policy, programs, and services.

icon representing legal documents

Meeting Legal Requirements
Resources and tools for hiring, accommodating, and serving equity seeking groups.

FAQ: Disability Training for HR

Is ReThink Ability meant for Human Resource leaders to better support workplace diversity or for people delivering programs and services on the front-line?

ReThink Ability training is meant for anyone who interacts with people who have a disability as part of their job. People in HR, management, customer service, or working as a service provider will find training that increases understanding of disability. The modules provide information and resources to assist organizations in hiring, retaining, and supporting individuals with a disability and for improving the experience for customers access goods and services.

How is ReThink Ability different than training that accompanies provincial and national accessibility legislation?

Government regulations are essential to the identification, removal, and prevention of barriers. While training related to legislation supports accessibility standards and compliance, ReThink Ability focuses on the impact of disability on a person’s life and the importance of equal opportunity. It provides practical information on improving interactions, communication, and attitudes so everyone can live the life they choose.

Do we need a Learning Management System (LMS) or is it provided?

ReThink Ability training is hosted on its own LMS; however, organizations have the option to license ReThink Ability training on their own LMS if preferred.

Ready to start building a better workplace for people of all abilities?