We’re on a mission to change Canada’s understanding of disability.

ReThink Ability is Canadian online disability training developed in New Brunswick. It incorporates lived experiences and practical education to bring about real change.

Collage of photos including diverse people

Our Mission? Share lived experiences and provide education to build understanding, ultimately changing how Canadians think about disability.

Why? So people with a disability can live the life they choose.


Training delivered through lived experiences.

Most disability and accessibility training starts with disability facts from manuals or Google. Here at ReThink Ability, we strive to build an understanding of the human aspect of disability.

Lived experiences – hearing directly from persons with a disability – focuses on the impact of disability on a person’s life and the importance of equal opportunity. Our training provides practical information on improving interactions, communication, and attitudes, removing barriers to full participation.

photos of diverse people including a man smiling and a girl painting
photo of people painting in an art studio

Developed in partnership with Canadian disability organizations.

ReThink Ability is the only comprehensive Canadian disability training solution available. Our training is built with the expertise of community organizations and the hundreds of people with a disability that they support.


Built and trusted by your community organizations.

Built & trusted by your community organizations. Working together, disability organizations have created training and shared resources to increase awareness and reduce barriers through ReThink Ability.


avenueNB’s commitment to providing high-quality, accessible services to clients and employers with diverse needs aligns seamlessly with ReThink Ability’s mission. By offering ReThink Ability training and resources as part of Employer Services, and complimenting employment assistance offered by member organizations, avenueNB is opening doors and increasing opportunities for hundreds of people with a disability seeking employment.

AvenueNB logo

Ready to start building a more inclusive community for people of all abilities?